Where are the hotels or places in Japan that offer new year tours and events for visitors?
1 advice
Tell us about all the different Japan shrine activities for the new year and otherwise.
2 advice
What kind of gifts are given around the holiday season in Japan?
2 advice
Tell me about the praying customs around the new year in Japan.
2 advice
What are the fruits and veggies in season during winter?
4 advice
Where are the places to see Christmas lights and decorations in Tokyo?
3 advice
Where are the New Year's countdown events in Tokyo?
1 advice
How do Japanese people enjoy mochi in the winter time?
3 advice
What are your recommended snowboarding and skiing spots?
4 advice
Senpai day off! How would someone spend a full day in or around Tokyo for under \10,000?
2 advice
Tell us all about Japanese monster movies.
3 advice
Tell us about contemporary Japanese films, "Jidaigeki"
1 advice
Tell us about some unique dishes in Japan that people either love, or hate.
4 advice
Where are the high-quality, specialty markets in Tokyo?
3 advice
What are all the different kinds of alcoholic drinks in cans and their characteristics?
2 advice
What are the different chain restaurants in Tokyo and their characteristics?
4 advice
What are the different types of Japanese fried food?
5 advice
What kind of rituals or superstitions do Japanese people have?
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What are all the snacks that go with different alcoholic drinks?
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Where is a good early morning spot to enjoy in Tokyo?
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