Advice about Sogo
Advanced SearchShopping in Sogo!
My favorite department store is Sogo, which can be found near major stations and city areas. I go to Sogo for different errands. The second floor of the basement (B2) is a great place to buy food on the go, go grocery shopping and purchase Japanese sweets and cakes as souvenirs for your family. I l…(262 words)
Valentine's Day in Japan
Japan is well-known for putting its unique spin on western holidays. Christmas, Halloween, even St. Patrick's Day - so why not Valentine's Day?The chocolatier Morozoff Ltd. introduced Japan to Valentine's Day back in 1936. By the mid 1950s, after it had marketed a hugely successful campaign of …(288 words)
Former Deep Japan Writer
Great department in Japan.
I would like to suggest some good departments in Japan. Isetan, Marui and Sogo, these 3 partments are my favorite ones which sell agreat food in the basement floor and sell clothing.(31 words)