Smart City

Advice about Smart City

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Glocal is Critical for Sustainable Social Innovation images

Glocal is Critical for Sustainable Social Innovation

Social Innovation/Smart City Week 2014 (I wrote about the event in another article in this site) was held on October 29-31, 2014. The event was the 4th edition of what is becoming a very important event for the promotion of activities that can help cities throughout the world adopt more sustainabl…(839 words)

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Social Innovation and Smart Cities are about the Present and not the Future images

Social Innovation and Smart Cities are about the Present and not the Future

For the past 4 years, Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. (NikkeiBP) has organized a Smart City Week event in Yokohama. The first event, in 2011, was primarily a conference, with 5000 participants. In 2012 and 2013, the conference and exhibition expanded, with the number of attendees growing to 22…(838 words)

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