Contact lensコンタクトレンズ

Advice about Contact lens

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HOW I BUY CONTACTS !!!!! images


To buy a contact lens in Japan is very easy .You can get one at any drug store ! but the best drug easiest you can see in town is the MATSUMOTO KYOSHI DRUG STORE is allover Japan !!!(37 words)

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Need Contacts in Japan? Find an Opthamologist! images

Need Contacts in Japan? Find an Opthamologist!

In Japan, you need a doctor's prescription in order to purchase contact lenses at a store. The easiest way to buy them is to go to your nearby ophthalmologist. There, you will be able to get a prescription and also buy purchase contact lenses. There is also the option of purchasing online but that …(66 words)

GenS image


Getting contact lenses in Japan - Megane Super images

Getting contact lenses in Japan - Megane Super

There are a lot of contact lens and eye glasses super stores around Tokyo, but I have always had a good experience at Megane Super. You do need to get an eye exam the first time, but that is easy enough and not too expensive, probably about 3500 JPY.Then they fit you for your lenses, most l…(103 words)

William Nealy image

William Nealy