Spaceman's Advice List
This store is famous for a cook. The famous cook of French cuisine or the Italian cuisine is making ramen noodles. He is a foreigner. His name is Ivan. It is not also bean paste, soy sauce, or salt. It is a new taste. It is very famous in Japan. Ivan Ramen3-24-7Minamikarasuyama,Se…(80 words)
Tokyo Soy sauce Ramen noodles Salt Cuisine French cuisine Italian cuisineKind of Japanese tea
There are many kinds of Japanese tea.Greentea(緑茶), Roasted green tea(ほうじ茶),Tea with whole rice(玄米茶) , Barley tea (麦茶)・・These can be cooled and drunk in the Summer.There is a specialty store of Japanese tea. But,My recommendation is DONKI HOUTE. It is because i…(97 words)
Shibuya Ginza Roppongi Tea Green tea Specialty store SummerUsually on New Year's Day, people hold mochi-tsuki events near the shrines or governmental facilities.
You can participate in this event. Entry fee money is 500 yen. It is 10 minutes' walk from Shibuya Station.①KODOMONOSHIROhttp://www.kodomono-shiro.jpMAP words)
Shibuya Event New year