How to become a Senpai in the Deep Japan Network?
Deep Japan is a site that brings visitors a bit further in to a more local and real Japanese experience.
We have 100 plus experienced "Senpais" who answer interesting and unusual questions about how to enjoy a visit to Japan in an even "Deeper" way.
Visit Deep Japan often to receive cool tips on "How To", "Recommend" and "Knowledge" from your Deep Japan Senpai community.
Become a Deep Japan SenpaiEasy and Free of ChargeJust a few basic requirements
- Twenty years or older.
- Able to submit Advice Articles in English.
- Currently Living in Japan.
- Happy to keep a positive spin on all your submissions and encourage viewers to explore and enjoy Japan. No complaining here!
Joining the DJ Senpai Network will
- Join fellow DJ Senpais from all over Japan and in various walks of life at an annual networking event.
- Win prizes for most viewed and highest ranked submissions.