A Kyoto for your Perusal: Off the Beaten Track with Deep Japan
It is already on your map as a must see locale for Japan. Allow Deep Japan Senpai who are truly knowledgeable of one of Japan's most cherished treasures guide you to some bits and precious pieces of Kyoto you might not necessarily find on your own.
Lively NISHIKI market in KYOTO!
Now there are about 130 grocery and seafood shops lined up on both sides of the narrow street. They are selling Kyoto's special vegetables, pickles, tofu, dried fish...you can experience the unique food culture of Kyoto in the market.
JR Kyoto Station - Futuristic architecture masterpiece
If you only pass through the platforms of Kyoto Station, you miss out to explore this impressive building, the third largest train station in Japan (Ref: 1st: Tokyo, 2nd: Umeda). The whole building was constructed on the 1200th anniversary of the capital's foundation in Kyoto.
Kinkaku-ji (The Golden Pavilion) in Kyoto
it took me a loooooong time to visit Kinkakuji finally until one of my friends visiting Japan requested Kinkakuji visit during her stay in Kyoto. I have to admit I used to associate the gold leaf covering Kinkakuji with some air of vulgar prosperity and think that's not my taste.
When visiting Kyoto... do not forget the Gold Pagoda
I often go there for my job (tough life, yes, I know!) and usually, I visit a new place, of some of my favorites: Adashino, a bit far in the Northern mountain so it takes time, but so beautiful, close to the mystical, with thousands of jizo statues and its bamboo forest. I also always (yes, never miss it) visit the public bath of Nishiki.
Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto and Local Inari Shrines
The fox is the messenger of Inari, the god of rice. Fox in Japanese is kitsune, but sometimes it is called inari as well. There are many small local Inari Shrines and the Fushimi Inari Taisha is the main shrine for all of them. Some of these local shrines are very small, sometimes hidden between buildings.