Shop tempura Edogawa Rampo ate many times
Jimbocho in Tokyo, you can buy the ukiyo-e and old magazines
In Tokyo there is a town called Jimbocho.
There is No. 1 in the East, it had been said to be a city that old book gather.
For novelist, Jimbocho is the place to look for work tips.
In the Jinbocho, there are shops of tempura Edogawa Rampo attend.
But only for lunch, you can eat tendon at 800 yen.
The shop was opened in 1931.
Shop name is called "HACHI-MAKI=headband".
Meaning of the headband is to work hard.
Japanese sensibility is felt from the name of the shop.
Shops will tell you tempura culture at 800 yen through the cooking.