Beautiful Places to Visit in Japan
Add some of these places to your Must-Visit-List
TripAdvisor published a list of 20 beautiful spots to visit in Japan that are not so well known yet. Let this list inspire you when you plan your next trip - there are islands, forests, temples, and lakes included here that not every guidebook describes. Go out of the city and explore the nature and landscapes of Japan.
Recommendations for great places to visit in Japan
1. Kafu Banta coast in Okinawa - 果報バンタ (沖縄県うるま市)
2. Rice terrace, Mt.Ue in Hyogo - うへ山の棚田 (兵庫県香美町)
3. Ozora-cho Sunflower Farm in Hokkaido - 大空町 ひまわり畑 (北海道大空町)
4. Hiyoriyama Seacoast in Hyogo - 日和山海岸 (兵庫県豊岡市)
5. Tsuta Numa lakes in Aomori - 蔦沼 (青森県十和田市)
6. Takkoku no Iwaya in Iwate - 達谷窟毘沙門堂 (岩手県平泉町)
7. Barasu Island in Okinawa - バラス島 (沖縄県西表島)
8. Kanei Tsuho Zenigata in Kagawa - 寛永通宝銭形 (香川県観音寺町)
9. Bijinbayashi forest in Niigata - 美人林 (新潟県十日町市)
10. Ankoku Temple in Hyogo - 安国寺 (兵庫県豊岡市)
11. Tarumae Garo valley in Hokkaido - 樽前ガロー (北海道苫小牧市)
12. Kanmangafuchi Pool - 憾満ガ淵 (栃木県日光市)
13. Nosoko Mape mountain in Okinawa - 野底マーペー (沖縄県石垣島)
14. Lake Tanuki in Shizuoka - 田貫湖 (静岡県富士宮市)
15. Susa Hornfels in Yamaguchi - 須佐ホルンフェルス (山口県萩市)
16. Kitakyushu City Kawachi Fuji Garden in Fukuoka - 河内藤園 (福岡県北九州市)
17. Okoshiki Beach in Kumamoto - 御輿来海岸 (熊本県宇土市)
18. Taushubetsu Bridge in Hokkaido - タウシュベツ川橋梁 (北海道上士幌町)
19. Nanatsugama Caves on the coast in Saga - 七ツ釜 (佐賀県唐津市)
20. Motonosumiinari Shrine in Yamaguchi - 元乃隅稲成神社 (山口県長門市)
Here is the original post by TripAdvisor in Japanese. Take a look at the pictures
If you can read Japanese, take a look at some Japanese guidebooks and websites for travel tips. There is a lot of information available in Japanese that has not been translated. If you cannot read Japanese yourself, ask someone to help you plan your trip to make the most of your travel.