Piss Alley
Do you love yakitori? Then you should definitely check out the charmingly nicknamed “Piss Alley” in Shinjuku. Loads of small Japanese restaurants serving delicious street food. Most restaurants only with room for 6-10 guests. Some accepting foreigners, others shaking their head saying “only in Japanese” when you try to enter. Yakitori, barbecued Japanese chicken skewers, are found on every menu. Delicious, and cheap, served with a cold Asahi of course. Buy a set of mixed yakitori for around 700¥ and try both file, neck, heart and liver. Some places also serve up chicken gristle (not the best, but an interesting experience). Mix with skewers of grilled bacon-rolled tomato and asparagus.
Not your everyday tourist attraction.
Navigate with Google Maps to find your way from Shinjuku Station: https://www.google.com/maps/preview?f=q&source=s_q&hl=sv&geocode=+&q=%4035.693141,139.699475&ie=UTF8&ll=35.693125,139.699455&spn=0.005908,0.010697&t=m&z=17&vpsrc=6&iwloc=A
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