Why Men Look Handsome in Kimonos in Japan?
Kimonos are a traditional Japnese outfit for men and women.
I've noticed more men wearing Kimono on weekends recently. The obi belt tied just above the hips, masculine shoulders emphasized by a narrower line going down the body, a deep blue color. Try walking in back of one of these gents. Watch the way the geta sandals click on the stone walkway and how the walking movement itself looks more smooth and fluid.
Contrasted next to the bright fireworks of light and color in a lady's kimono, the men's version is like the twilight sky, a perfect back drop to the energy of his partner.
Something about how you can put keys, wallet and some tissue in your sleeve and how the warm summer breeze feels kind and comforting through the material that drapes you; a gentlemen's kimono experience is definitely worth a try.
Now that more men are enjoying this fashion around town, I really think you should rent one and then take a walk through one of the lovely Japanese gardens near your house. Perfect for a photo and a memory.
All new types are available now, and in this photo you can see my friend wearing the newest style yet...denim. Look around at how ancient Japan is giving more attention to the trends of today. You will be the first to find one of these treasures and be able to claim your bit of a Japanese trend when you return home.
Here is a place to rent Kimono in Asakusa, Tokyo