Japan has most national holidays in number around the world!
Here are the list of national holidays in Japan - 2013 version.
Wow - We have 16 holidays in total, which is the biggest in number around the world!
January 1 - New Year's Day
January 14 - Coming‐of‐Age Day
February 11 - National Foundation Day
March 20 - Vernal Equinox Holiday
April 29 - Showa Day (Showa = Japanese era)
May 3 - Constitution Day
May 4 - Greenery Day
May 5 - Children's Day
May 6 - a substitute holiday
July 15 - Marine Day
Sept 16 - Respect-for-the-Aged Day Holiday
Sept 23 - autumn equinox holiday
Oct 14 - Sports Day
Nov 3 - Culture Day
Nov 4 - a substitute holiday
Nov 23 - Labor Thanksgiving Day
Dec 23 - the Emperor's Birthday
I remember having a difficult time explaining all the holidays in Japan to my ex-colleagues from the States. They were amazed how we make up so many holidays while they thought Japanese people were workaholic. :-)