
Stay on the line

When in Tokyo, try and stay either on the same train line or at the very least stay on the same train company's lines (Tokyo Metro, Toei, JR, etc.). You will save yourself from the stress of changing trains at crowded stations, and more importantly will be saving money; routes that include transfers between train companies will always be more expensive than staying on one company's lines.

Hudwa image


Hudwa's other advice

Surf's up; bring a notebook images

Surf's up; bring a notebook

If you're a surfer, make note of the best breaks you see while riding with a great view of the seaside. Record what stations you found them between and any landmarks you pass along the way.

Watch out! images

Watch out!

Only grab plates that you've seen the chef place on the belt. It's the best way to ensure freshness without asking specifically.

Domo! images


In casual situations, a simple "domo!" will do fine and gives off a friendly vibe.

Mugicha images


It will change your life. Light nutty, grain-y flavor, and completely caffeine free. Great thirst quencher and you can even find it at restaurants in the summer. Look for bottles at the convenience s…

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