Japanese amuletsお守り[ Omamori ]

Omamori (御守 or お守り, omamori) are Japanese amulets (charms, talismans) commonly sold at religious sites and dedicated to particular Shinto deities as well as Buddhist figures, and may serve to provide various forms of luck or protection.

from Omamori (Wikipedia) CC BY SA 3.0

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Kameido Tenjin's birds for good fortune images

Kameido Tenjin's birds for good fortune

Kameido Tenjin Shrine (亀戸天神社) is known as a shrine for people who wish for success in their studies, like passing exams. On January 24 and 25, the shrine has a special event, the usokae-shinji (鷽替神事). Similar festivals are held at a few shrines in Japan, in Tokyo also at Yushima Tenjin, Ja…(241 words)

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