Croquetteコロッケ[ Korokke ]

Korokke (Japanese: コロッケ) is the Japanese name for a deep-fried dish originally related to a French dish, the croquette. It was introduced in the early 1900s. Korokke is made by mixing cooked chopped meat, seafood, or vegetables with mashed potato or white sauce, rolling it in wheat flour, eggs, and breadcrumbs, then deep frying this until brown on the outside. Korokke are usually shaped like a flat patty. They are generally called (ingredient) Korokke. For example, those using beef would be called gyuniku korokke, those using shrimp, ebi korokke, etc.. Those using white sauce may also be called Cream Korokke. They are also available in curry flavor.

from Korokke (Wikipedia) CC BY SA 3.0

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Tachigui soba tip: Korokke Soba images

Tachigui soba tip: Korokke Soba

At a stand up style Soba places, "korokke soba" is reccommended. It is soba in warm broth with deep fried potato croquette on top. How simple is that:) Price range is somewhere around 300 Yen per dish and it is apparently Tokyo original!(42 words)

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